Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Archaeology: the ancient flood

Accounts of a massive flood are found in many cultures around the world. The Gilgamesh Epic (the saga of an ancient Babylonian king, Gilgamesh) includes an expanded flood story on Tablet 11, similar to the flood story in Genesis 6-9. The best known copy of the Epic was found at Nineveh on a series of baked clay tablets.

Tablet 11 of the Gilgamesh Epic tells of a great flood brought upon the earth by the wrath of gods and includes a hero who is told to build a ship, to take every kind of animal along, and to use birds to check if the water had receded.

Copies of the Epic and other flood stories have been found in the Near East. The popularity of the flood theme argues for its historicity and supports the flood of Noah's time.

Kyle Campbell


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