Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Strychnine and water

It is very sad today to look into the denominational world and see their vigor and effort to spread God's word. The music today of some "religious" bands points to ideas such as Christ's return and the defeat of the Devil. But when you look at the method being done for this message, it has actually already been secretly tainted by Satan. The problem with this message is that Satan has not been defeated but he is driving this proposed worship of God.

This is not new for Satan. Satan has always always used deception as one of his tricks. Second Corinthians 11:13-14 reads, "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light." It is clear from this text that Satan and those who follow him will stop at nothing to condemn souls. They are even willing to put on the appearance of something right in order to deceive.

When we look at music today, it may be filled with praise for God, but that will not overlook the fact that if you do it with a instrument, you are walking without the authority of Christ and to be in such a place will bring His wrath. These situations are heartbreakers because there is so much zeal but it is removed from truth. I am reminded of an example my Grandma told me, "You can get a glass of pure water and put just a little strychnine in it and it will still kill a man." It's the same way with music today. You may have 99% good message and theme, but the 1% that condemns you is without the authority of God.

Shane Millard


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