Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Who needs authority?

I'm not exactly sure what was the main cause of rebelling against authority. Maybe it was part of the 70's and the "hippie" movement. Or maybe it was something earlier than that. All I know is that the secular lack of respect for authority (Parents, Government, Laws) has a foothold in the minds of religious people today. It would seem now that if there is any appeal back to a standard of any kind, or laws by which someone should live, hands go up everywhere stating how that's just your opinion or that those laws were just guidelines that were meant to change with the times.

Friend, the word of God will not be rendered useless by a change in times or by man's opinion. There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10); people are the same and because of their own stubborn will they choose to rebel against the powers God has put in place. We have become a nation of people that no longer listen to leadership and it shows when those of the religious world have no care if something is in the Bible or not. There is no longer an appeal for book, chapter or verse preaching anymore. We are in a time of itching ears (2 Timothy 4:3), and people want their opinions or false beliefs more than the truth of God's word.

Shane Millard


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