Polygamy and the FLDS
No one knew when the Yearning For Zion Ranch, a compound populated by members of the Fundamental Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was raided in early April that one of the nation's largest polygamy groups would be uncovered. DNA tests are being now run to determine the rightful parents of over 400 children. Multiple pictures have been posted online showing the women of the group openly weeping because their children have been removed pending an investigation.
Sadly, all of this heartache could have been avoided if people would only go back to God's original plan. God said in Genesis 2:24 that "a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh." God intended one man and one woman to be married. Polygamy was never approved by God. Although one can find it in the Old Testament, Acts 17:30 says that those were the times were God "winked at" those sins, but that changed when Jesus died on the cross.
In Matthew 19:3-12, Jesus reiterated that one man and one woman are to married until death, except for the cause of fornication (cf. Romans 7:2-3). Do you see what happens when people leave God's inspired word? Do you see the heartache that is produced by sin? Everyone has religious freedom in this country, but that freedom does not translate into automatic happiness. According to the laws of our country, these people in Texas can do whatever they wish, but they, regrettably, must feel the consequences for leaving God's inspired word.
Kyle Campbell
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