Monday, July 28, 2008

The worm in the apple

How does a worm get inside an apple? Maybe you think it burrows in from the outside. Scientists have shown that it comes from the inside. How does he get in there? Simple. A worm lays an egg in the apple blossom. Later the worm hatches in the heart of the apple, and eats its way out.

Sin, like the worm, begins in the heart and works outward through a person's thoughts, words, and actions. For this reason, David once wrote, "Create in me a clean heart, O God" (Psalm 51:10). Life offers us two choices: (1) Follow the works of the flesh; or (2) demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:19-24). One's reward is spiritual death and the other's reward is eternal life.

Jesus told us to chose either the broad way to death or the narrow way to life (Matthew 7:13-14). There is no middle road! Those who choose the way of Christ must put wickedness out of their hearts, for it is there that sin is born (Matthew 15:18-20; James 1:14-15). Why not remove the "worm of sin" from your heart today through obedience to the cleansing blood of Jesus (1 John 1:7). This is the only way to eternal life!

Kyle Campbell


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