Friday, March 1, 2013

Why people reject Christ

In John 6:66, after Jesus had preached about the bread of life, many of His disciples went back and “walked no more with him.” To spiritually-minded people, the thought of rejecting Christ is very sad. To help the sorrow, and to give us insight on how to help, let’s consider why people reject Christ.

First, some care more about what people think than what God thinks. In John 12:42-43, the Jews refused to confess Christ because they feared man more than God (cf. Matthew 10:28). Second, some have too many riches. The rich young ruler thought more of his riches than his eternal destiny (Luke 12:16-21). Third, some have too many family ties. They love mom and dad more than they do Jesus (Matthew 10:37). Fourth, some love the world too much, like Demas (2 Timothy 4:10; cf. James 4:4). Fifth, some are ashamed of Christ, thinking that they will be branded as crazy (Acts 17:32; 26:24).

The rich man in Luke 16:27-31 wanted to send someone back to convert his family, but they were going to have to depend on the law and the prophets. The rich man would have given 10,000 worlds to have the advantage you have while still living (Luke 16:27-31), which is the opportunity to obey. You need to believe, repent of your sins, confess Christ before men, and be baptized into Christ for the remission of your sins.

Kyle Campbell


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