Monday, January 7, 2013

"The kingdom that will never be destroyed"

Recorded in Daniel 2 is a dream that Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had which the prophet Daniel interpreted. It concerned a statue of great height made of several different materials. The head of gold represent the Babylonian Empire, the breast and arms of silver represent the Medo-Persian Empire, the belly and thighs of brass represent the Grecian Empire, and the legs of iron and feet of clay represent the Roman Empire. In the dream, a great stone was cut out without hands and crushed the statue into many pieces. The stone settled in that place and became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. Even after these great kingdoms would pass away, the stone would remain.

The stone represents a far greater kingdom than that of man. This kingdom God would set up and establish forever. That kingdom is none other than the church which has already been established and is being spread throughout the world today. This lesson is a great reminder that no matter how much man seeks to establish himself in this world, his work will eventually vanish into nothing more than a piece of history. However God’s work will always thrive and will be the only thing standing in the end. Who will you put your trust in? Someone whose works will vanish away or someone who holds the keys to your eternity in His hands?

Jonathan Glaesemann


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