Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Remembering the past

A couple of years ago, I finished a long-procrastinated project of digitizing old home videos. They go back ten years to when my son is a newborn. I've gotten to watch all these wonderful moments multiple times and thank God for all of His blessings.

While I have enjoyed the past (and New Year's Day is a good time to think about the past), I have to remember that the most important direction to look is the future. I love seeing my children as babies, but I want to see them in heaven most of all. Because of this, I need to do my best to remind them of God's law (Ephesians 6:4), and live my life dedicated to the Lord (Galatians 2:20).

It has been an immense blessing to see both of my children become Christians, and to see them grow in Jesus Christ. If I can stay the course, I may be successful in helping them see the importance of being a lifelong, devout Christian. If so, and if I “hold fast the profession of my faith without wavering” (Hebrews 10:23), we can all be around the throne of God and praise Him forever (Revelation 7:13-17).

Kyle Campbell


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