Friday, January 8, 2010

The commissions of Jesus

In Matthew 10 (parallel: Mark 6; Luke 9), Jesus gave His disciples a “limited” commission where they would go directly to the Jews and preach to them. They came back, reporting their great success.

These restrictions were lifted with the great commission. Every gospel records the “great commission,” which were given at different times. In Matthew’s account (28:19-20). In this account, there are four “alls” which are worthy of brief mention.

The first “all” is all authority. Jesus has this kind of authority (Psalm 110:4; Acts 4:12; Philippians 2:9-11; Colossians 3:17). The second “all” is all nations. Every person is to hear that Christ died for all (2 Corinthians 5:15). The third “all” is all things. We cannot be content with teaching part of the gospel, or even most of the gospel -- we have to teach it all (Acts 20:27). The fourth “all” is always. There is never a time that God is away from us (Psalm 23:4; Hebrews 13:5).

What fantastic thoughts! This “great” commission can fill our hearts with hope as we struggle through this life. We should be so grateful for the provision of God in this commission. But the best way to show our gratitude is to follow it! Will you do it?

Kyle Campbell


At January 25, 2010 at 4:55 PM , Blogger Apostle TaVon Davis said...

I think that we have to follow this commission for sure, however in addition to this commission I believe most churches for get about the instruction to distribute to the saints in need in their own congregations( Rom 12:13, Acts 2:44), as well the opportunity in other congregations (2nd Cor 9:1-12,1cor 16:1-4). I believe we are to preach, teach , and make disciples as we go out and make sure needs are met inside of the congregation. Well what if your congregation is huge. How can you meet every need. The church in Jerusalem had over 5,000 members and every need was met. How, well they didn't waste money on image. That's right no mega ministry buildings, no advertising bills, no waste on trying to be the next great big thing. So yes I agree with the concept of go ye out, but I also believe we are suppose to make sure home is taken care of with needs being met to the least of the breathern, for they represent doing for Christ(Mathew 25:40).

At January 25, 2010 at 5:18 PM , Blogger Kyle Campbell said...

Very true. Churches do need to make sure they care for needy saints. Part of the problem is that churches believe they can help everyone with the funds they collect from their first day of the week contributions. However, the Bible does not authorize this. As long as a congregation will diligently focus on their responsibility, they can fulfill it.


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