Monday, December 7, 2009

Wishing to be healed

Jesus came upon a man in John 5:6 who had been lame for 38 years and who was sitting beside a pool of healing. Jesus asked him, “Wilt thou be made whole?” Why would Jesus ask such an obvious question? Perhaps the answer was not so clear. Bartimaeus was blind, yet when he cried out for Jesus to have mercy on him, Jesus asked what he wanted Him to do (Mark 10:51). It would have seemed apparent that the biggest concern of a blind person would be to receive sight. There were times, however, when Jesus considered it important for people to verbalize their need and specifically ask Him to heal them.

Just because we are spiritually sick does not necessarily mean we want to be made well. We may attend church services regularly, but choose to remain sinful. Our generation has taken many of the activities that the Bible identifies as sin and has labeled them as addictions or character flaws or the result of an abusive upbringing. We act as if having an addiction is a good excuse for disobeying God’s commands.

Have you gone year after year without receiving spiritual healing? God is capable of freeing you, but you may have become comfortable in your sin. You may not want to be healed. If you really want to receive spiritual health, God can give it today if you will be obedient to His Son Jesus Christ through your repentance (Acts 17:30), confession (Matthew 10:32), and baptism (1 Peter 3:21).

Kyle Campbell


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