The changing denominations: A change of unity
The emphasis of the “community church” is now on reaching the people of the community as they are and where they are -- and leaving them as they were and where they were even after they became members. Some “community churches” have taken this to the extreme by stating, “First and foremost, God loves you the way you are, whether gay, straight, bisexual, lesbian, or transgendered.”
“Community churches” have embraced the “interdenominational” frame of mind. That is, they reach across all sectarian and moral barriers to draw their membership. They must adapt themselves to the desires and feelings of their prospects in order to acquire and maintain large memberships.
The Bible teaches that unity can exist only between parties that agree (Amos 3:3). But “community churches” agree to disagree over doctrine and practice; they have formed a union in spite of differences. This is not Bible unity. Jesus did not conform His teaching to the desires of those who came to hear Him (John 6:60, 66; Luke 9:23). Unity exists between the Father and the Son due to their agreement (John 10:30; 17:21). Likewise, Christians must pursue and maintain a similar unity (1 Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians 4:3-6). Because the Bible is our final authority, doctrinal diversity cannot be tolerated (1 Timothy 1:3). The basis of unity and fellowship among Christians is the inspired word of God (1 John 4:1, 6). G. K. Chesterton wrote, “Tolerance is the virtue of people who do not believe in anything.”
Kyle Campbell
we must be careful and not lump all who use the term community in one pot. belonging to 'the body of christ' makes us community spiritually, and we must also be aware of community, physically, if we are to seek and save the lost.
People who are one in Christ are certainly part of a community or fellowship of Christians. That unity, however, can only be based on a standard of truth which is the scriptures. Anyone who advocates a different standard, or the ignoring of the true standard, will not achieve biblical unity and will be advocating what is false.
the problem is many people hear just the catch words and never investigate the usage. the scriptures are indeed our standard and we also cannot forget all the teachings by jesus regarding the importance of community within those standards. what is worse. understanding standards and not understanding the community of believers or understanding community and not understanding god's standards. jesus spent a lot of time in the gospels on this.
If someone understands the nature of the fellowship of Christians, they will necessarily understand a Christian's relationship to truth, and their relationship to each other. We can't disregard truth in order to have a relationship with each other.
you are right....we can't. but the relationship that is often missed is the one with jesus. doing the rignt tnings is not always doing what is right. have a great holiday....hope to see you again . thanks for the discussion.
I've appreciated the discussion as well. Let me leave you with this last thought: I'm not sure how one can separate doing the right things and doing what is right. Any relationship with Jesus has to be predicated on me doing what is right; i.e., "If ye love me, keep my commandments" (John 14:15). Perhaps we can more specifically delve into this at a later date.
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