Decision time
Life is full of decisions. Many of them are small and a few are big. The biggest decision, of course, is what to do about Jesus. Each person must decide to obey Christ. If he does not decide to obey Christ, he has rejected Him, and will face eternal condemnation.
In Mark 10:17-27, a man we call “the rich young ruler” once came to Christ, wanting to know what he had to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus gave the man an answer. It was time for him to make a decision concerning Christ.
Although the rich young ruler was under serious conviction (vs. 17) and he claimed to keep strict commandments (vss. 18-20), he had to make a specific choice (vss. 21-22). Jesus knew that his idol was riches. The man could not turn to Christ unless he turned away from his idol of money. He had to make a choice! Not everyone who comes to Christ has to give up his money. In this case, the money was holding him back. He chose to keep the money and chose not to obey Christ.
He became the subject of a sad commentary (vss. 23-27). It is very difficult for rich people to be saved. The Lord, in an almost humorous hyperbole, likened rich people being saved to a camel passing through the eye of a needle. This is actually true whenever anyone substitutes the love of something else over the love of the Lord. The power of the gospel though, can change a hardened heart (Romans 1:16). That is why all things are possible with God.
Kyle Campbell
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