Are you the “antichrist”?
John is the only writer of the New Testament who uses the term “antichrist,” and he uses the term just five times (1 John 2:18, twice; 2:22; 4:3; 2 John 7). The Greek word from which our English word “antichrist” is translated is very simple to understand. We use the same compound word every day. We have people who are “anti-smoking,” “anti-hunting,” “anti-Semitic” or “anti-abortion”. There really is no big mystery as to what the word means: “antichrist” is anyone who opposes Christ.
It is interesting to note that in some sense the antichrist was already present, but unfortunately John’s words have been taken to suggest that an individual “Antichrist” was yet to appear. The term is commonly used today by premillennialists to refer to one individual, who is supposed to appear in the end of time. Connections between the “Antichrist” and the “Man of Sin” in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-11 are often made with the visions of Daniel concerning the “king of the South” (Daniel 11:36-45) and the “beast of the sea” (Revelation 13:1-9). Premillennialists believe that Daniel foresaw a human leader, satanically energized, who would come to Jerusalem, enforce his will, exalt himself above all other people and gods, and wreck havoc and slaughter. They claim he will be so convincing as an ally and deliverer that Israel will sign a pact with him to be her protector. He will then turn against the nation and occupy the throne in the sanctuary of the rebuilt temple, which for Israel will still symbolize the presence of God, and blasphemously present himself to the world as if he were God.
There have been many who have been suggested as the “Antichrist.” Chrysostom held that it was the resurrected Nero. Some Catholics held that it would be an apostate priest or even the Pope. Speculations about who the “Antichrist” is have included about every U.S. President and world leader (such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler). Some have even said that he will be a demon-possessed, super intelligent human clone!
“Antichrists” are a very real problem for us. While there may not be many professing Christians who deny that Jesus is the Christ, or that He came in the flesh, there are many who reject the authority of the apostles by rejecting the scriptures! Are you an “antichrist”? Do you actively teach or simply believe that Jesus Christ never walked the earth, but was a mythological figure? Do you actively teach or simply believe there was a man named Jesus Christ, but He did not actually rise from the dead? Do you actively speak out against or simply believe that the Christian religion is a false religion? Are you an atheist or agnostic who is indifferent and non-religious? Then you too are an “antichrist”!
The “antichrist” has no horns or red glowing eyes. Neither is the “antichrist” some demon-possessed, super intelligent human clone. Rather, the “antichrist” is that sweet elderly lady living next door who openly teaches the neighborhood kids that Jesus just was a myth. We must “continue in the Son, and in the Father” (1 John 2:24). Remember, we are living in the last hour, and Christ may come at any time and judge us for our unbelief!
Kyle Campbell
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