Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One thing

Pretend you are shopping for a house. Do you ever see a house you like but there is something you would change? Maybe something is missing or something doesn’t fit. You would buy it in a heartbeat if it weren’t for one thing.

In Mark 10:17-25, Jesus taught the rich young ruler. He seemed to be a good person, but he lacked one thing, which would show his complete devotion to Christ. In Luke 10:38-42, Mary and Martha invited the Lord as a guest in their home. However, Mary was too involved with physical matters and was not thinking of the one thing that was the most important. Sometimes we don’t see the forest for the trees and forget what is important.

What is your one thing? Maybe you have initially obeyed and now lack one thing or many things. If that’s the case this is an excellent time to repent and return to the Lord. Maybe you have never been baptized and you lack this one thing. Today is the time to commit yourself to God. Judgment is certain, and we want you to obey Christ and do His will. Please contact us if you would like to study further.

Kyle Campbell


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